What is Website

A group of related Web pages that follow the same theme and are connected together with hyperlinks is called a Website. In other terms, “ A Website is a collection of digital documents, primarily HTML files, that are linked together and that exist on the Web under are same domain “.

A Website display related information on a specific topic. Each Website is accessible by its own address know as URL(Uniform Resource Locator).

e.g.  https://www.knowleadgeforallinfinity.blogspot.com  is a Website, https://knowledgeforallinfinity.blogspot.com/?m=1 is a Web page.

Two terms that are associated with a Website are as follows.

Home Page 

The main or first page of a Website is known as home page. 

Advantage of Home Page 

(1) It helps viewers to find out what they can find on that particular site.

(2) It helps in the publicity of an individual or community.

(3) It makes the visitors more comfortable with the Website.

Web Portal 

It is specially designed Website that often serves as the single point access for information. It also has hyperlinks to many other Websites.

Advantages of Web Portal 

(1) Easy for users to customize personal places.

(2) It provides communication between portals (I.e. different applications.)

(3) It provides flexible content and layout.

By - knowledge for all infinity 

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